Kitchen Hack: How to Bake Bacon

The best way to cook bacon with little to no clean up. Sure everyone has tried it in the oven, but have you tried this kitchen hack?

We love bacon around here. I am sure you may have noticed all of the bacon recipes on our site.
But, I don't like the mess that cooking bacon on the stove top or even in the microwave create. These 2 new method I am sharing is so much less messy and one of these hacks causes little to no clean up. That is my kinda kitchen tip.

My whole family loves bacon, but I don't like the mess. I have cooked it in a skillet on the stove. I have cooked bacon in the microwave with a ton of paper towels and I hear you can even cook it on the grill (although I have never tried).

I worked in many (seriously, many) restaurants as a young adult and noticed they weren't making a mess cooking it in a skillet or microwaving it. They cooked it in the oven on baking trays. Since then I have been cooking bacon in the oven (unless it is just 1 or 2 slices).

Continued below....


Baking Bacon: The Rack Method (METHOD 1)
SERVES 12  |  ACTIVE TIME 25 Min  |  TOTAL TIME 25 Min

Preheat oven to 400ºF.

Cover a baking pan with aluminum foil and place an oven safe cross-wire grid cooling rack in the pan.

Lay slices of bacon on the pan. Do not overlap the slices or they will not cook properly.

Place pan in oven and bake for 15-25 minutes. The length of time will vary based on the thickness of your bacon (thick cut takes longer) and the doneness you prefer. (I like mine crispy).

You can cook 2 sheets at the same time, but it will increase your bake time significantly. Switch baking sheets half way though cook time.

Baking pans
Wire grid cooling rack

Click bold links

Baking Bacon: The Crumpled Foil Method (METHOD 2)
SERVES 12  |  ACTIVE TIME 25 Min  |  TOTAL TIME 25 Min

 Preheat oven to 400ºF.

Gently crumple a large piece of heavy duty aluminum foil causing wrinkles. DO NOT crumple into a little ball. Just squish it together and pull it apart. Lay it across your baking sheet and gently straighten it out. Do NOT smooth it down or you will lose your crumbles.

Tuck the edges under the lip of the baking sheet. Lay bacon strips on top of foil. As you can see above the bacon lays across the little ridges. The bacon drippings will collect in the foil below the bacon (pretty smart, huh?). Do not lay strips on top of one another or they will not cook.

Place pan in oven and bake for 15-25 minutes. The length of time will vary based on the thickness of your bacon (thick cut takes longer) and the doneness you prefer. (I like mine crispy).

You can cook 2 sheets at the same time, but it will increase your bake time significantly. Switch baking sheets half way though cook time.

When you are done (drain bacon drippings into a storage container if desired) and toss foil. Easy clean up.

Baking pans

Recipe developed by Donna Elick -
Copyright ©2015 – All rights reserved.


I used the rack method above for many years, then one day I had cookies cooling on the baking racks and wanted to make bacon. So, I tried other options. I tried baking it flat on parchment and foil. This resulted in a very greasy product, no matter how much I drained it or patted it with paper towels, the bacon was still greasy tasting. Then I found my favorite method. I still use the foil method outlined below, because it eliminates scrubbing that cooling rack.

Which let's be honest I do not like doing dishes and scrubbing pots and pans is my least favorite.

I am sure these methods will work for you too. Let me know in the comments how you cook your bacon.


With love from our simple kitchen to yours.  

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The best way to cook bacon with little to no clean up Kitchen Hack: How to Bake Bacon

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Originally published 9/7/15


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